The sewing bug hit about the same time as my cold bug. I've been working on a summer dress for Emma. Here's the skirt pieces, ready to be pieced together, along with the finished bodice.
I finished it this morning. The problem with sewing, for me, is getting the correct size. Emma is tall but very, very thin. According to the pattern back, Emma is a size 3 chest size, and size 8 length. So, I cut out a size 7 and lengthened, as a compromise. It still ended up way too large through the chest. I had to tuck in 2 1/4 " in either side of the zipper, and it's still loose! For my next go, I think I'll try to make size 4 width, but size 8 length all-round (including the bodice).My sewing has inspired the kids. Emma made dresses for her paper dolls out of fabric scraps while I was sewing, and I gave Rowan a piece of material with a threaded needle secured to it. Here he is busy at work.And here is the finished project. Rowan wasn't sure what it was, but I think it's a ball.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
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Thanks for posting about your sewing endeavours I haven't sewn in along time but have been intending to start on a few items for my little girl - thanks for the inspiration
ReplyDeleteYou are very welcome!